The bandage protects the tattoo while allowing body fluids to drain. The area needs air for the skin to heal properly, so remove the bandage after 2-3 hours.
KEEP IT CLEAN! Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching your tattoo. Gently wash the tattooed area with warm water and a mild antibacterial soap. Pat it dry with a paper towel, air it dry and then apply a THIN layer of ointment (Aquaphor, A&D, Tattoo Goo) With a dry paper towel, blot off excess ointment from your skin. You do NOT want to suffocate your tattoo with the ointment, it is essential to let the tattoo breathe.
Wash and MOISTURIZE with ointment 3-4 times a day for a minimum of 7-10 days. Washing too often or forgetting to apply an aftercare product can damage the tattoo. The ointment helps to enhance the color, promote healing and wont clog pores. After your tattoo has peeled, you may use a hypoallergenic, non-scented lotion to keep your skin hydrated.
Dress appropriately! Wear loose fitting, breathable clothing that will not rub against the tattoo, especially during the first 2-3 days. Keeping the tattoo exposed to open air is crucial to the healing process.
During healing, it is natural for the skin in the area of your tattoo to scab and peel. To prevent risk of infection and color loss, DO NOT scratch or pick at the area. Allow it to fall off naturally. If itching occurs, gently tap on the area to relieve the symptoms without damaging the tattoo.
Your tattoo should heal in 2-3 weeks. Consult a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following:
redness at site, green/yellow discharge and/or fever.

Saniderm/Dermor and tegaderm products are medical grade bandages that stay on for multiple days in order to protect and help heal your tattoo.
The bandage is placed by the artist the day of your tattoo. Depending on the type of tattoo you’ve received it is best to leave the bandage on for 5-7 days.
The bandage forms a seal around your tattoo, minor edge lifting or slight peeling is normal and okay! It will fill with excess blood and ink which will eventually dry up making the bandage look crusty. This is normal, and there’s no need to worry. Towards days 4-7 it can get slightly itchy - this is also normal.
During that time keep an eye on the bandage and look for leaking or excessive peeling where the tattoo may become exposed to outside material (things like sweat, shower water, etc, can sometimes penetrate the seal and bandage). If that happens, remove the bandage immediately, and wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap.
FOR LARGE COLOR AND BLACKWORK: Due to the size of the tattoo and amount of ink used, your artist may recommend replacing the bandage after the first 24hrs. If that is the case, follow the instructions below for removal. After removal, wash with antibacterial soap and pat dry with a clean fresh paper towel. Then place a new bandage over the tattoo within 30min of removal while making sure the area is still clean. You can cut the bandage into smaller shape to help with application.
REMOVAL: To remove your Saniderm/Dermor/Tegaderm bandage start by running the bandage under warm water while slowly and gently peeling the edges. Peel the bandage off like a command hook and peel in the direction of the surface of the skin while running it under water. You can use a bit of antibacterial soap to help loose adhesive while you take it off. After it is removed, wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap and pat dry with a clean paper towel. DO NOT RIP IT OFF - this can lead to blistering of the skin.
It is best to make sure that the tattoo stays under the bandage for a total of 7 days, as early removal can cause healing to take longer and may damage the tattoo. However, if something does get inside the seal bandage, take it off immediately as that can lead to infection.
Excessive pain, excessive redness, excessive itchiness may be signs something isn’t right. When in doubt, remove the bandage and follow normal aftercare instructions.